• February 2, 2021

WILL LARK, PhD – Black History Month

Will Lark PhD Black History

WILL LARK, PhD – Black History Month

WILL LARK, PhD – Black History Month 1024 1024 Automobile Driving Museum
While receiving his Masters at the MIT Media Arts & Sciences Laboratory, William Lark Jr. was a principal designer of the City Car: a shared, electric vehicle that adapts to the driver, road and the city.
The folding car was designed to be used similarly to bike-sharing technology. Time magazine named it an Invention of the Year in 2007.

The concept car was manufactured by Hiriko to be tested in several worldwide markets. Ultimately folding car technology was deemed obsolete before it was mass-produced because “robo-taxi” services performed the same service of shuttling customers the last mile to their destination without using up parking space.